Changing the face of industrial design.

Our sites

  • Park highlights

    When the park is complete there will be a total of 42 sites available, while 5 additional sites will be available outside of the park, as part of our land sales. Sites range in size from 3000sqm to 1.8 hectares.

  • Available now

    First to the market in 2024, will be our land sales, closely followed by our entrance stage that will offer 14 LOTS. Contact our property partner Bayley’s of Taupō for our latest listings, commencing 2024.

  • Geoheat

    18 sites are available in our Ruaumoko Precinct that can be supplied with geothermal heat.

Our Tenants

We have built for one client ahead of constructing the park.  TNUE produces a new product that provides a dramatically improved fertiliser which considers environmental and operational factors when matching the nutrient release in line with the plant’s requirement for optimal growth.

Total Nutrient Use Efficiency (TNUE)

TNUE customises fertiliser delivery solutions to achieve optimal Nutrient Use Efficiency (NUE).

NUE is achieved through the manufacture of Control Release Membrane (CRM) and the application of the CRM to the fertiliser granule. Precision blending with other fertiliser ensures the complete fertiliser nutrients are available in line with plant demand.

The CRM technology considers environmental and operational factors when matching the nutrient release in line with the plant’s requirement for optimal growth. By improving the efficiency of the nutrients, an important reduction of greenhouse emissions and nitrate leaching is achieved.

The company has specific expertise in extensive farming and horticultural environments.

New Zealand eco-approved product


Established in He Ahi Eco-Business Park


Lot number
